Biometrics Acquisition in a Hungarian University: The Óbuda University Case - Bánki Donát Faculty


  • PHUOC DAI HUU NGUYEN Doctoral school on Safety and Security Sciences,Óbuda University
  • Lourdes Ruiz
  • Arnod Őszi


Biometrics, Biometric devices, palm vein, security system


Nowadays, due to the expansion of Internet Communication Technology (ICT), people are becoming interconnected via internet environment. Establishing the identity of an individual is highly essential in our network society. The requirement of a reliable user authentication technique is the main concern about networking security, communication and mobility. Biometric technology is a method that is able to recognize a person based on his/her physical or behavioral traits faster and more convenient than the traditional ways such as password and ID cards. This article describes the biometric data acquisition process at an educational institution using a hand vein recognition device in order to authenticate students, workers and professors. Furthermore, it describes the procedure, the device used and some results achieved since the system was implemented.


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