Research of Extreme Weather Impact on Critical Infrastructure


  • Maria Luskova University of Zilina
  • Bohus Leitner
  • Eva Sventekova
  • Zdenek Dvorak


FP7 project, security, critical infrastructure, research, education


In recent decades the frequency of different extreme weather events, including heavy rainfall and flash floods, river floods, landslides, windstorms, freezing rain, wildfire and hurricanes, has increased and these have damaged many regions across Europe and worldwide. A lot of centuries old buildings have suddenly been demolished, power delivery has failed and transport has been disrupted. These events have great devastating impacts on critical infrastructure systems. Extreme weather events and their impact on critical infrastructure was a topic of the project RAIN - Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Networks in response to extreme weather solved from May 2014 to April 2017 within the FP7 Framework Programme, Call Fp7-SEC-2013-1. The aim of this paper is to present the scientific results of the RAIN project achieved by the project consortium, characterized by multidisciplinary partners, and led by coordinator from the Trinity College Dublin. The project had a core focus on Critical Land Transport infrastructure and Energy & Telecommunications infrastructures. The Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina participated as leader of work package 3 Land Transport Vulnerability.


[1] EASAC, Trends in extreme weather events in Europe. Halle/Germany: German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina 2013
[2] A. O'Connor, RAIN project, Grant agreement no: 608166, 2013. Retrieved from
[3] A. O'Connor, W. Brazil, Mid Term Report: 1st Periodic Report, RAIN 2015.
[4] P. van Gelder et al, D5.5 RAIN Workflow Integration.TU Delft: Netherlands 2016. Retrieved from
[5] RAIN project. Software tool: Retrieved from ( jo8& )
[6] A. O'Connor, Final Report Part A: Publishable Summary, RAIN Final Report, 2017.
[7] Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina. Study Plans for Study Programme "Security and Protection of CI". 2017. (in Slovak). Retrieved from
[8] T. Lovecek et al, Currently required competencies of crisis and security managers and new tool for their acquirement The eSEC portal. ICETA 2015 Proceedings, Starý Smokovec, Slovakia, 2015.
[9] M. Luskova, B. Leitner, "Critical Infrastructure Protection in Higher Education in Slovakia", INTED 2017-11th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference Proceedings,Valencia, Spain 2017.




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Critical Infrastructure and Cyber Protection (Kritikus infrastruktúra)