Ergonomics and Similarity Analysis in Highlight of Biometric System Users
user ergonomics, biometric systems, similarity analysis, 2DM frameAbsztrakt
The number of internet users are increasing day by day, their needs are constantly changing, and therefore the formal-content requirements of the online interfaces have to be adapted to these expectations. The rise in expectations not only marked on the development of traditional, such as commercial or entertainment surfaces, but also on as one of the most important tools of scientific researches, the questionnaire-making pages. The study focuses on two important areas, the formal and content requirements of the questionnaires. These two areas are covered by ergonomics and similarity analysis. On the one hand, the study introduces user ergonomics items in order to understand the needs of users, focusing on questionnaires. On the other hand, it visits the cause-and-effect relationships in the response process of the respondents with the tool of similarity analysis. At the middle of the study is a primary research, what measures the user attitude of biometric identification processes. The study explores the users of the questionnaire through multidisciplinarity, applying the disciplines of social sciences, mathematics and informatics. The results are presented for automation of technique in other area.
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