Applying worksimulators for health protection and safety of vulnerable employees
work aptitude, worksimulators, vulnerable employeesAbstract
In Hungary, low birth rate leads to labor market shortages, and this is currently exacerbated by the fact, that the active age population migrates abroad, furthermore the economic problems specific to aging societies. The „hidden reserves” of the labor market are the low-skilled or unskilled persons, and disabled workers. In order to they have access to safe and healthy jobs and working conditions, employees need to know their individual work abilities and limitations; and on the other hand, employers should be aware of the specific needs of their employees concerning the workplace design and organization. In our research, we compared the competencies of vulnerable and non-vulnerable workers by using worksimulators and other psychological skill assessment instruments. We have developed an evaluation method which enables the work competencies to be objectively measurable and statistically comperable on the level of professional expectations and it can also help the job selection process.
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