The protection of pension payment systems, as crucial infrastructure


  • Szabó Zsolt Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, Óbuda University


Pension payment systems, planning of business continuity, GDPR


Nowadays information is one of the most valuable assets in the economy and society. Information is a resource for organizations, the basis for efficient operation, and an asset of the organization, therefore, it is extremely important to protect data. There are processes that can cause a critical situation in the organization in the case of a problem, if they are not controlled properly and if we do not take the proper precautions to avert disaster. The operation of the state pension payment system and the data it manages are governed by law, therefore their protection is of paramount importance. The study consists of three parts. The first part summarizes the information security threats threatening pension payment systems and presents the possible ways to counter these threats. The second part examines the planning of business continuity, with special attention to risk management and business continuity management. The third part provides a possible guideline for pension payment systems to help them comply with the new European General Data Protection Regulation.


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Critical Infrastructure and Cyber Protection (Kritikus infrastruktúra)