Comparison of the techniques to produce non-dendritic feedstocks for thixoforming


  • Kawan Mahmood Abdulrahman Obuda Universty
  • Viktor Gonda
  • Mihály Réger


Semi-solid metal; thixoforming; Semi-Solid Rheocasting; Cooling Slope; Magneto Hydrodynamic stirring; microstructural properties.


Abstract — Preparation methods of feedstock billets for thixoforming including Semi-Solid Rheocasting (SSR), Cooling Slope (CS), Magneto-Hydrodynamic stirring (MHD) and Semi-Solid Rheocasting with Cooling Slope (SSR+CS) are studied in this paper. On the base material of aluminum A201, non-dendritic feedstocks for thixoforming were prepared and compared by analysing their microstructures. The main variation between the microstructure provided by these technologies are presented, and a comprehensive review is made of the potential mechanisms that lead to microstructural alterations during the preparation of feedstocks.


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Materials Science and Technology (Anyagtudomány és Technológia)