The electronic component for the aim of protecting laboratories


  • Tamás Berek National University of Public Service


laboratories, complex security system, integrated physical protection


 The state of our future security can be destroyed, besides many definite factors, by the usage of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons, devices used for peaceful industrial aims, or the chemical, biological or nuclear components of research that are not ‘guarded’ properly and can be used for criminal aims. Unofficial access to the radioactive and infectious and poisonous materials and the prevention of their expropriation, their defense is of extreme importance. On the other hand, the special staff of the above-mentioned establishments, in certain occupations, has to face risks posed by chemical, biological, radiological sources. However, these risks can be significantly diminished by a properly worked out defense program. For the reason that the workers at dangerous workplaces and the users of dangerous devices and materials would not be harmed by the everyday working conditions and also that by unlawful appropriation of costly devices or dangerous materials or devices containing dangerous materials and this way, the danger posed by these would not get beyond of the controlled working  areas or from the territory of the establishment, so the creation of the physical protection of the  mentioned areas and equipment is extremely important. After the accomplishment of the concept of property protection, with the planning of the complex security system, the work on the proper rate establishment of security subsystems needs serious analyzing and evaluation.  The author shows that with the inducement of the electronic component of the property protection, what characteristics have to be taken into consideration because of the security risks dangerous materials pose.


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Safety Science (Biztonságtudomány)